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The Pleasure Alliancethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3304 words)

Author: Blotanhunka Picture in profile
Added: Apr 16 2006Views / Reads: 4543 / 3483 [77%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
A story of warm, sensual pleasure, a surprise revelation and superlative sex with charming, wanton women.

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These characters don't get nasty germs...so please be careful, people.

I own a high end color imaging company doing business with ad agencies, graphic artists and craftsmen, producing wide-format images, high definition photos and prints, offset printing and digital color work.

While on a skydiving trip, I met a rare woman who was an excellent sex partner, who also became a real friend and confidant. Learning an incredible secret about one of my oldest friends, I became involved with a great group sharing intense, very satisfying sex with several playful women, who all became close friends and sex partners. I also had lots of laughter and fun, while enjoying the visual natural beauty of the Western states.

The skydiving trip was organized by Jack, a tennis friend I had known for years. We had played lots of tennis leagues, softball competitions and afterwards hanging out in taverns with our team-mates. Jack had left the tennis league several months earlier and I hadn't talked to him since. At a party someone told me Jack had gotten travel agent credentials and was organizing trips; skiing, white water rafting, skydiving and water sports.

A few weeks after I heard this, Jack called me and asked me if I would like to go on a skydiving trip. I was surprised to hear from him and told him so. I asked him why he left the tennis league and that I had ...

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