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An Obsessionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2020 words)

Author: Dreamweaver Picture in profile
Added: Apr 17 2006Views / Reads: 2061 / 1577 [77%]Story vote: 8.50 (4 votes)
A very sexy older woman plans the seduction of a young minor league baseball player.

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Her breath quickened as she saw the ballpark. She knew in a few minutes she would be trying to do the most wild, erotic thing that she had ever done in her life. Slowly she entered the parking lot approaching the parking attendant she panicked and was about to turn around and go home to her husband and children when she realized that there were cars behind her and she was stuck in line. Her hands trembling, she pulled the $3 dollars from her purse paid the attendant and drove into the unpaved lot. Sitting in her car she thought about what she was doing. This is crazy she thought to herself. I am a 45-year-old housewife alone at a minor league ballpark dressed in a sexy outfit trying to see if I can seduce a 21-year-old ball player. She thought of the sexy young catcher in his tight uniform. He was so big. From the moment she had first saw him she had fantasized about seducing him. She wanted to be his Mrs. Robinson. She imagined he'd be rough with her.

That turned her on so much thinking about what could happen. She looked in the mirror, her auburn hair cascaded over her tanned face. She had put on extra makeup especially, a wet creamy lip-gloss. She got excited thinking about wrapping her red, creamy lips around her sexy, young catcher's cock. The noise of a car door slamming shut brought her back to reality. She thought to herself, well maybe I won't actually go through with my fantasy, but I did drive up here so I might as well go in and see what happens. Just getting her young catcher to get excited while she teased would be sexy; after all she was going to be 45 in a few months. It turned her on when young, sexy guys noticed her. ...

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