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Lust on a Bus ridethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 1506 words)

Author: Passionbites
Added: Apr 18 2006Views / Reads: 1994 / 1650 [83%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
An overnight journey on a sleeper bus... no sleep but fun staying awake.

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I was on my way back from a meeting at Mangalore & decided to take the overnight A/c Sleeper bus to Bangalore.

The bus left the town I was in, at 10.30 PM. I had been planing to take a semi-sleeper bus with reclining chairs but was adviced by my friends that this was a better option & very comfortable being a proper sleeper.

I got on the bus & found that all the passengers who had boarded it from the starting point atleast an hour back were fast asleep. I made my way to the rear of the bus & found my alloted berth on the upper deck.I hoisted myself on to the berth & was horrified to find another person asleep there.

"Excuse me", I whispered so as not to wake the other passengers, "I am on this berth" I tried to explain.

The hulk lying on the berth turned over. He must have been taller than me & was definitely bigger built. His frame seemed to occupy the whole berth.

"This is a berth for two", he said calmly hardly showing any sign of irritation for having been woken up.

"I am sorry", I whispered sheepishly but all the while horrified how two ...

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