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Becoming A Slut Wife: Tonithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4270 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 23 2006Views / Reads: 9537 / 8254 [87%]Story vote: 8.62 (13 votes)
Toni was a size queen and hubby didn't know.

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When it was my turn I stepped up to the teller's window and slid the deposit slip and the check to the girl behind the counter. As she was doing what tellers do I asked her to give me the balance on the account. She pushed some buttons on the computer, looked at the screen, wrote some numbers down on a slip of paper and pushed it across the counter to me. I looked at it and pushed it back at her.

"This can't be right. It is only half of what should be there."

She looked back at her screen. "I show a cash withdrawal yesterday for half of what was in the account."

"Would you check the balance in my savings account please?" and I gave her the account number. It was the same deal; it was exactly half of what should have been there and a cash withdrawal had been made the previous afternoon.

I left the teller window and was heading for the door when all of a sudden something else occurred to me. I went over to the woman you dealt with when you wanted access to your safe deposit box. There were supposed to be five CDs there, but only three were in the box and all of Toni's jewelry was gone. I cleaned out the box and left the bank.


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