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Wet Speedo Contestthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 1070 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: KirstenR
Added: May 05 2006Views / Reads: 5481 / 4514 [82%]Part vote: 8.76 (17 votes)
A night out with my girlfriend at a wet speedo contest.

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Wet Speedo Contest

I just got back from a little getaway with a girlfriend of mine that was quite amazing.

Kris and I went to the Florida coast just as a little escape from the everyday hassles. We rented a house across from the beach and just planned on basically doing nothing. Just the sun, beach and whatever eye candy happened by.

Kris and I are really good friends although we are polar opposites. She is a tall, striking brunette with a gorgeous figure and while I am also easy on the eyes, I am of average proportions except for my 32a chest. She is very outgoing while I am normally reserved.

We decided to go out on the town one night and were looking over a local paper advertising the various clubs and activities when we were drawn to a particular ad. It was promoting a wet t-shirt contest (yawn) but underneath it in smaller print also promoted a "wet speedo contest-males only". We had both been to the wet t-shirt contests before and had seen what they turned into. Thus we could only imagine what a wet speedo contest would be like.

We quickly got ready and drove to the club. Kris was radiant as ever in a short skirt and plunging blouse. I was also in a short skirt but was ...

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