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Kinky Bootsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3965 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: May 17 2006Views / Reads: 1935 / 1688 [87%]Story vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
Paul gives a young workmate a pair of knee-high boots.

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‘Ring, ring, ring.' My mobile phone went, as I was driving down the motorway. "Paul Young," I answered. "Hi, Paul. It's Nicole." A voice trilled in my ear.

Nicole had started work, for my company six weeks previously, as a window dresser. She was only 19, very petite and absolutely gorgeous. The guys in the warehouse had christened her ‘Kylie' because she looked like, the singer, Kylie Mynogue.

"I've just been in to see Jimmy, at Saville Sports, and he wants to know if we can do a promotional display, at Easter. What do you think?" She continued, in this vein for a few minutes.

While I was her Boss, she could have actually phoned her first line manager, Rod, for something as simple as this. As the Sales Manager, I would speak to staff at all levels, to discuss business, so I didn't mind the call. In fact it was a very pleasant distraction, as I had been driving for a couple of hours.

I am a, middle-aged man, working for a Ladies fashion company, and have a very good relationship with all of our staff, especially the younger ones. They seem to regard me as an ‘uncle' figure, the type of person that they can talk to in confidence, without any danger of ...

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