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A Full Circlethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 12119 words)

Author: Pleasured
Added: May 18 2006Views / Reads: 1866 / 1527 [82%]Story vote: 9.25 (12 votes)
Adultery, divorce, marriage and remarriage. A full circle.

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My name is Sean Patrick O'Conner, at least that is the name my parents gave me. Back when I was in junior high, I got confused about a question the teacher asked in class, and answered with something that had no connection to the question. One of my so-called buddies hollered out, "Don't pay any attention to him, Miss Trotter, he's just a dumb Mick."

He got sent to the principal for that one, but the name stuck, and nowadays, everybody calls me Mick.

I joined the service after high school, and by the time I was 22 I was married to a wonderful woman by the name of Lynne. A couple of years went by, but by the time I was 26, we had a little boy by the name of Sean Junior. Lynne was busy with the baby, but she made sure that she could arrange things so she could finish her degree. I had started taking classes at night, getting as many courses out of the way as I could before my hitch was up. Just before I got out of the service, Lynne graduated from college with a degree in business administration. Lynne went to work, and I started college working as hard as I could to get my degree, taking 18 and sometimes 20 credits a semester toward my degree in computer science.

I finally graduated, and started looking for a job. Nada, zip, nothing doing. Even though I had experience working with computers in the service, and had my degree, there just wasn't anything available for ...

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