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Bensenville Part Twothis story is part of the FanClub (bi:romantic, 5523 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: j l hart
Added: May 26 2006Views / Reads: 1017 / 713 [70%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Dottie finds a new friend while David plays while she is away.

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David Paige pulled into the parking space marked Mayor at City Hall. He was welcomed home by his secretary Maggie Word a woman in her mid sixties who was like a mother to him. She brought David a cup of coffee and some doughnuts and handed him the mail he needed to see. She also told him that Ed Glory wanted him to attend a barbeque at his home Friday night. "Shi...shoot I'm supposed to meet Dottie in Hot Springs that night." David tried his best not to use vulgar language around Maggie fearing her chastisement. "Mr. Glory said it was mandatory that you attend Mr. Mayor." "Yeah yeah I'll be there. What time?" "He wants you there at six for a private meeting."

Sandia Gomez David's Administrative Assistant came in a few minutes later to catch him up on some matters he needed to know about. David had caused quite a stir when he had hired a Hispanic as his chief aide. The Hispanic population in and around Bensenville was about eight percent with most of the ethnic group working at the chicken processing plant. Bensenville's schools had been integrated for years but the small city was still a racially divided city.

Ed Glory had constructed a small housing addition located close to the plant for the Hispanics. People generally called it the barrio. The same held true for the blacks. There were a few black families with homes scattered around Bensenville proper but most lived on nigger hill. David Paige was color blind when it came to people and he hated the N word with a passion. ...

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