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Aboard The Cruise Ship SS Debaucherythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 10002 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: May 27 2006Views / Reads: 3995 / 3343 [84%]Story vote: 9.50 (8 votes)
Susan goes on holiday with her sister and meets two much older gentlemen.

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Aboard The Cruise Ship SS Debauchery.

Day 1 Saturday

"Oh my...God...Sis, is this really happening?" I gasped as the ship slowly chugged out of Southampton harbour on its way to the Mediterranean. "I know what you mean," My younger sister Sam grinned as I hugged me; "this is going to be the best holiday of our lives!"

Sam had won an ‘All-inclusive Cruise for two' plus £500 spending money, in a magazine competition. At 38 she was still unmarried but was the only person that this didn't seem to bother. Her comfortable job as a librarian and a host of hobbies kept her busy and mentally fulfilled most of the time. Me on the other hand; I'm a divorcee who had finally left my drunken husband 18 months earlier and my job in tele-sales just about managed to clothe and feed my and my 15 year old daughter. Without giving it a second thought Samantha had decided that this would be my 40th birthday gift. As the trip got nearer my friends at work had all joked that this would my opportunity to catch a ‘sugar-daddy' and live the rest of my life in the lap of luxury.

When the English coast eventually trailed off into the distance we eventually made our way to our cabin to begin getting dressed for dinner in the Ballroom.


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