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My Mother-In-Law Part 5this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 7843 words) [5/8] show all parts

Author: Mark914 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 02 2006Views / Reads: 4557 / 4030 [88%]Part vote: 9.75 (16 votes)
As the weekend progresses, I learn more and more about our friends and Betty's power over men. The party turns into a festival of sex!

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My Mother-In-Law Part 5

A few hours later, Jessica and Bob showed up with their children. I was quite sure now that kids were present, things would quiet down. Betty took to playing her role as grandmother. I thought about it for a minute. Imagine, a sex-crazed fuck slut like Betty a grandmother. I started to get hard just thinking about it.

It had been two years since the last time we had all been together. Lauren and I had not seen her sister or brother-in-law in those same two years. The last time I saw Jessica, she had just given birth to their daughter, Kelsey. Now, after two years of working on her figure, she looked quite amazing. She has long, light brown hair and green eyes. Her face has some of the same features that Betty's did, the full, sensuous lips for one. She has long legs, a round, sexy ass, and quite large breasts. That body looked really nice.

We had a lively dinner filled with laughs and conversation. We caught up with one another after our long absence. There were a couple of things that I noticed, but I wasn't sure if the others did. First, Betty was giving me smoldering looks toward the end of dinner after a few glasses of wine. Had we been alone, I am sure those looks would have meant her mounting me at the table. The other was Bob stealing glances at his mother-in-law's very visible cleavage. Betty was wearing a skirt to mid-thigh and a blouse that buttoned up the front. The blouse was ...

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