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My new Zipper dress makes it so easy for me to show offthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 1555 words)

Author: Misty
Added: Sep 21 2000Views / Reads: 4028 / 2976 [74%]Story vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
My new Zipper dress makes it so easy for me to show off, when I'm in the mood.

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Yesterday my "surprise package" arrived in the mail. Tom orders me sexy clothing now and then and has the items shipped directly to my home.

This package was from Fredericks of Hollywood. If you have a wife or girl friend and with the holidays coming up soon, I'd like to recommend you guys out there get busy and get the catalogue ordered at least. Here's how.......www.Fredericks of Hollywood.com.

Last night I wore the zipper dress for the first time and Tom took me out to dinner wearing it. I wore this dress for him along with my coffee colored hose, garter belt and my 4" black spiked heels. As usual I dind't wear any bra or panties.

Sitting at the bar before viewing the menu's and having just soda pop, the only thing we drink, it wasn't very long before a couple came and sat next to us. The fellow was next to me and his wife/girl friend on the other side of him. I said hi as they sat down and we carried on a very casual conversation since this was the type of place we were in.

Tom was talking to the female bar tender while I was talking to John and Linda, who'd introduced themselves to me.

Linda was leaning over past John to hear me better and remarked at how much she loved the dress I had on, wondering where I'd gotten it from, that sort of thing. I told her it came only that day as a surprise ...

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