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Kissing in the Darkthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 4747 words)

Author: M.S.
Added: Sep 21 2000Views / Reads: 12552 / 11224 [89%]Story vote: 9.31 (13 votes)
Haley was sleeping in my living room when I came home. Sprawled out on top of the pull out couch, wearing only a small pair of blue panties and a tank top.

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Well I am not really sure where to start. This story is a first for me and I hope you like it. Happy reading.

I came home late that night from a long, long day. As I turned onto my street, I happened to catch a glimpse of the summer night sky. It seemed to be a million miles above, but the stars for some reason looked like a million lights all trying to reach out to me. They seemed to hang low in the sky, like some freaky sci-fi movie where you wear those goofy 3-D glasses and everything jumps out at you. I breathed in deeply, smelling the pine trees that lined my street. It had been a tedious day, but these Michigan summer nights could sometimes take it all away and make you feel so good. This was one of those nights.

I pulled into my driveway a little after midnight and was startled to see another car parked in our driveway blocking my path to the garage. As my headlights drifted up and across the cool gray cement and struck the rear of the car, I could see that it was my sister-in-laws little Volkswagen Cabriolet convertible. It was a cool car. One perfect for cruising around on nights like this. I had never been in it before, but the top was down and it was just one of those perfect nights. I pulled in behind it and turned off my car. As the headlights and engine went dead, the night seemed to come alive with silence. I opened my door quietly, listening to the crickets and other night insects, just standing there for a moment, kind of taking it all in. I ...

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