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P.R.E.S.S.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 4481 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: Degas5
Added: Jun 12 2006Views / Reads: 1729 / 1468 [85%]Part vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
Martha participates in a program to enhance sexual satisfaction.

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Martha Burke fidgeted as she waited for Dr. Weintraub to come back. The marital counseling sessions made her mildly uncomfortable. She had only agreed to see a therapist at her husband, Charlie's, insistence. She didn't like talking about their sex life (or lack thereof) with other people. She didn't even like thinking about it herself. She knew Charlie was unhappy with it. It just wasn't that big a deal to her; not on any list of priorities. She just wasn't as interested in it as he was.

Dr. Weintraub returned. Elyse Weintraub was in her late 40s. Her professional demeanor made her look as if she would be perfectly at home in a lab coat. Actually she was perfectly at home in almost any situation. Martha felt out of place in almost any situation. She worked in inside sales for a local company, and felt somewhat competent there. She did not feel at home in her own bedroom. Things had been a little different when they were first married, before the kids. She still hadn't been as interested as Charlie, but it was easier to play along. Once the kids came and once she turned thirty, it got much harder. While most women are trying to turn back the clock and look younger, it seemed she wanted to look older. The whole way she dressed suggested the word 'matron'. She was plain and conservative, to a fault. And her sex drive seemed to totally vanish. The last two years sex had been a very rare occasion in the Burke household.

"Sorry about that," said Elyse Weintraub, "but I needed to check with a ...

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