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An Evening at the Barthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2520 words)

Author: Summerelizabeth8
Added: Jun 15 2006Views / Reads: 2479 / 2185 [88%]Story vote: 8.73 (15 votes)
Single gal performs for dominant guy in the men's room.

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This one is for you, RSH. Thanks for the inspiration.

Okay, so in retrospect, I admit that I had a little too much to drink last night. I can't believe what I did. I can't believe that I almost want to do it again. It's all a little scary. Now there is this guy in my life. Things are going to change for me. I can feel it.

My name is Samantha. I stand 5' 7" in by stocking feet and I have nice body and really long legs. So when I put on heels and a mini skirt, I can really wow 'em. Long brunette hair and a nice rack don't hurt either. It all went down like this.

I was out at the bar with my friend, Shar. Shar is one of those beautiful inside and out people, so when we go out together, we tend to attract a lot of attention. Usually, we just take it in stride as we are only there to have a good time, not meet guys. Tonight, however, I knew that Shar had just broken up with her boyfriend and she was out to forget the cheating jerk.

We had just polished off our second round when two guys approached us at the pool table we were playing at. I thought they wanted the table, and we were about to hit the dance floor anyway. "It's all yours guys," I told the tallest one.

"Well, actually, we weren't interested in pool, we were interested in ...

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