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Fair Play?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 954 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: EroticPeach Picture in profile
Added: Jun 15 2006Views / Reads: 3175 / 8 [0%]Part vote: 9.00 (14 votes)
It started out innocently enough. Harmless flirting, friendly banter. Ryan and I became really close friends. Able to tell each other anything and everything. We didn't have that with our spouses. In fact, at the time, we didn't have anything with ou

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It started out innocently enough. Harmless flirting, friendly banter. Ryan and I became really close friends. Able to tell each other anything and everything. We didn't have that with our spouses. In fact, at the time, we didn't have anything with our spouses. His wife was having yet another affair, with a much older man, but he didn't know that, yet. My husband was shutting me out and not wanting any kind of intimacy. She was addicted to this older man, mine was addicted to porn. Naturally, Ryan and I found comfort with each other and shoulders to cry on. Then it got interesting.

We all decided to hit a local bar for karaoke and pool. The guys played while she and I sang. I had a few more songs I was signed up for and my husband was ready to leave. I had tried some of the night to at least get a dance from him, and I was already miffed. I told him she would give me a ride home. So he left. Later on, a really good slow song was being sung and I wanted to dance. His wife was looking through the book of songs. Ryan asked me to dance. We were holding each other close and she didn't bat an eye when she seen us. She never really considered me as a valuable person. At the same moment, we both pulled back and looked into each others eyes. At that moment, I felt like being in his arms was the rightest thing in the world. He later told me it was the same for him.

We stayed until closing, and she was very insistant that Ryan drive me home. I found out later that she had her lover at the house and had ...

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