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our first more somethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2809 words)

Author: Jen Picture in profile
Added: Jun 16 2006Views / Reads: 10114 / 6660 [66%]Story vote: 9.17 (24 votes)
Jason invited us to his frat house

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Our First More some

First let me straighten out a fib I told in my first story, My First Threesome. I said we were 47, actually I am 37, and Bob is 42, I didn't want to admit Bob got me pregnant at 15, and we married at 16, and 21. I didn't want to admit I was that stupid, but I was. Someone I sent a picture of me and the boys said I sure didn't look 47, so I wanted to be honest about everything. Bob was in college, and I attended a party. I lied about my age, and had sex with Bob, my first time, and the rest is history, but now the kids are gone, and I am having the sex I never had a chance to have, all because sweet Bob wanted to see me being fucked by other men.

That first time was the last weekend in April, and the next was veterans day weekend. A few days before the weekend, the phone rang, and I heard Bob say, hi Jason. My pussy started to get wet, and I hoped he wanted to set something up with us. He did, I heard Bob say that I would have to decide, and he would have me call him. Damn right I would, in a few minutes.

I asked Bob what that was about, he said Jason wanted us to come to the college at their frat house. Well no way I was getting fucked by a couple dozen guys. Jason had told Bob that the only students there where summer school and it was a three day weekend and there would only be a few guys there. A few guys, well that got my interest., and I ...

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