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A student wants morethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3036 words)

Author: potent Picture in profile
Added: Jun 17 2006Views / Reads: 5408 / 3947 [73%]Story vote: 8.80 (5 votes)
A student wants more than her professor can give during her college days, but as an alumni, she might just get it -- every bit of it.

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Corrin was filled with anticipation as she sat waiting for Dr. T. to arrive at the restaurant. She'd been corresponding with him by email since graduation two years earlier, and this was her first visit back to the small college town of Royale, Wisconsin, in that two-year period. She remembered being so excited on graduation day -- the only exception being that she wouldn't get to see him on an everyday basis anymore. She'd taken every single class he taught since she started in the art program five years earlier. Five years was a long time to want something you could never have.


(Corrin): When I first met Dr. T. (Theodore LaRue), I was a confident but scared freshman, far away from my small-town home and fresh out of high school the semester before. I can remember thinking how sweet he looked in his little bow-tie and blue button-down shirt -- a father-figure was how I first pictured him. It wasn't until I started seeing him everyday and not wanting to leave after class that I started to realize I was in love with him. It wasn't as if I could talk to anyone about it. He was my only adult confidant at the university, and of course I couldn't tell him. I mean, I would die of embarassment. Not to mention that he was married to another professor at the university. I tried talking to my girlfriends about it, but they just laughed or crinkled up their noses. "Gross!" Sara said, "He's almost old enough to be your grandfather." Of course, in my own defense, she was full of ...

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