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A Spin of the Wheel, A Cut of the Cardsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 5925 words)

Author: Ski
Added: Jun 22 2006Views / Reads: 4593 / 3485 [76%]Story vote: 9.25 (16 votes)
Paul and Mindy go to a party house for the very first time, Mindy has the time of her life and is the star attraction

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Mindy and Paul entered the house with a mixture of anticipation and unease. Tonight promised to be different, quite different than anything they had experienced in their short swinging career. Jeff and Traci had spoken of the house parties that they had attended and the wild abandon of unbelievable couplings that went on. And after a particularly erotic session of fucking with their swing friends, Mindy had allowed that it might be fun to experience a little more than was possible with just the four of them. Almost immediately she regretted agreeing to go with their friends to this unknown event. It was not that Mindy was a prude or anything remotely like that, after all, had she not eaten Traci while Jeff and Paul double teamed her pussy and her ass just the last session together?

But she looked at herself and her life and she saw a pleasingly plump woman, soon to be forty, with a teenage son and daughter. She had taught Sunday school while they were still in preschool, she'd served as chairwoman of the Christmas Pageant for the children's grade school, been a board member of the PTA, was the shop steward for the techs at the hospital where she worked as an x-ray technician and had been one of the back bones for the local little league, even coaching a team. What was or was not normal or so she thought, was that she was an inventive and enthusiastic lover to her husband of 18 years. Or so it seemed, when she thought about the pissing and moaning her female friends and coworkers did about their love lives, or lack thereof. And all the various things that they were afraid of or unwilling to try ...

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