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That Very Special Feeling Chapter 8this story is part of the FanClub (ff:transgendered, 3052 words) [7/13] show all parts

Author: Sheri
Added: Jun 23 2006Views / Reads: 146 / 120 [82%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
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Chapter 8 - A Different Direction With a New Mistress -

I suppose you might wonder what types of individuals want to join my organization and why. Some of them have had a difficult time financially; others want to change their boring job and uninteresting lifestyle, while others want to join to engulf themselves in all types of erotic sex. Sexual research has taught us that most women harbor a deep rooted desire to experience the sexual adventures of a prostitute or at the very least, be sexually promiscuous by engaging in all types of sex (with males, females, she males, etc.), but, they don't want the stigma of being a prostitute attached to them. There are many women that live two distinct lifestyles, one the so-called Career Woman totally dedicated and consumed with her career, power & success. But she also craves repressed desires to engage in a very promiscuous, sexually active lifestyle. We've carefully studied all the sexual aspects and tendencies of the Female and She male. The information we've compiled has helped us to develop a program (incorporated in the Bitch Sexual Training Course) to free these long repressed sexual desires, fantasies and cravings. By joining our organization, these individuals find the perfect solution. Since 1992, when Mistress Serena and I established our now well known, Transgender Program, some join for the opportunity to avail themselves of our excellent sexual reassignment program (see Mistress Serena's Transgender Program). Whatever their individual reason, they leave their traditional job and lifestyle behind to join my organization and ...

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