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Harry's Quest - Part onethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4109 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Jun 23 2006Views / Reads: 845 / 663 [78%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Harry is a thirty-one-year-old single man who works his way through a series of different women in a search fod his sexual dream

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Harry closed his eyes and accepted that he now had no choice but to let himself go. The eruption from his balls was imminent. He always thought this moment was like the big duet between Florestan and Leonora in "Fidelio", the two voices rising in rapture, up and up in an ecstatic crescendo. "O namenlose Freude" they sing, "O nameless joy." And for Harry, the big O was precisely the nameless joy he was about to experience.

He had delayed it as long as he could, proudly conscious of the way he had learned to sustain the rigidity of his cock. Now the tingling sensation on the underside of his knob couldn't be denied any longer. She'd been good, giving him anything he wanted, and he'd wanted a lot. But he was no longer in control. An unforeseen clap of thunder, the insistent ring of the phone, a wailing siren in the street outside, nothing could have interrupted the onrushing climax. Then it was there, the repeated pulse as the liquid surged from the depths of his loins to escape in spurt after spurt from the engorged tip. Nameless joy. The big O.

When the slow detumescence was complete and his breathing had almost returned to normal, he opened his eyes. He saw that his cum had left a trail across the picture of the woman who had been the subject of his fantasy, the photograph disfigured by the sticky mess. Discarding the magazine, he made his way to the bathroom for a shower.


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