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Computer Connections (Rebounding Pt. 3)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3812 words) [3/5] show all parts

Author: Sweet Ann
Added: Jun 28 2006Views / Reads: 2388 / 1988 [83%]Part vote: 9.80 (10 votes)
Lisa's best friend Eva is surprised by her high spirits after meeting Rick and the Margarita Man. Six months after a painful divorce, Eva takes Lisa's advice when a computer technician catches her in a compromising situation.

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Part III

Lisa was late again. It shouldn't surprise me - that girl has this penchant for showing up ten to fifteen minutes late, but being the punctual person that I am, it annoyed me. I twirled my napkin over the table, watching the folds flare out like a 50's poodle skirt. The waitress smiled at me, calling me by name as she took my order. Ever since my divorce was finalized Lisa and I had made it a point to meet for lunch every Wednesday. Actually, it was more like Lisa told me I was coming to lunch or else - for some reason my best friend thought I had no reason to reject a social life. I had a life - I loved my job as a book editor, and going to my apartment was lonely at times but it was quiet and safe. I didn't have to worry about my ex's dinner not being ready or if his dry cleaning had been picked up for the next day. I wouldn't ever find an unmarked videotape, featuring my husband and the neighbor doing things that I just couldn't believe. I was single, safe, alone, yet happy. At least I thought I was happy until I saw Lisa walk into the restaurant.

Wearing a spaghetti-strap red dress that accentuated her generous curves and long, solid legs, Lisa attracted the attention of nearly every man in the room. Her smile was bright, her eyes twinkling. I knew what that meant - Lisa was getting some, somewhere.

"Hey hun, sorry about being late. I, uh, slept in." ...

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