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Wallpaperthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 3258 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jul 16 2006Views / Reads: 857 / 762 [89%]Story vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Cecilia helps Gareth decorate his bedroom back when they were both students in the 1970s. Two good friends, some beers and a bed. This being an erotic story site, it will be no suprise that the two friends end up in the bed.

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This is set back when I was a student in Britain. I really did have a bedroom that was so small that the bed was on a platform above the closet. And the room was wallpapered. Unfortunately the rest of the story is invented...

Cecilia arrived at Gareth's flat. He had just bought the place a few weeks before and was in the process of decorating it. She had agreed to help him wallpaper his bedroom. She knocked on the door of the flat and Gareth let her in. She could see the bedroom, stark and stripped down to the plaster. There were no curtains or blinds up yet either, and the brutal glare of the unshaded light bulb made the room look more like a prison cell than a bedroom. Gareth led Cecilia into the living room. The mattress from his bed was in the living room.

"Why is your bed in here?" asked Cecilia.

"Well," said Gareth, "it is my new seduction technique. I figure that if there is nowhere to sit in here then any female visitors will just have to end up in my bed."

"It doesn't seem to be working," she said, as she sat down at one of the dining chairs by the table. On the table were a bucket of wallpaper paste and the first roll of wallpaper, cream with small green houses.

"Oh well, I'll have to move it back into the bedroom when we are done ...

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