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The Videographerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5167 words)

Author: pandsal Picture in profile
Added: Jul 19 2006Views / Reads: 3011 / 2080 [69%]Story vote: 9.50 (6 votes)
John and Beryl decide to have their bedroom activity captured on video - and get more than they expect

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If anyone had asked them - though nobody ever did - they would have said they were just an average couple. Which begs the question what is average: who knows what an average couple gets up to when the bedroom door is closed? Speculation on that subject is best left for another time for another time while we consider this average couple.

They are Beryl and John. They live in a semi-detached house like many another, in a middle-class suburb like many another. Beryl is forty-seven, a few pounds over weight but otherwise in reasonable shape. John is forty-nine and thinning a little on top, which he dislikes but is coming to accept. Beryl works five mornings a week as a receptionist for a west end hairdresser. At weekends she does late shifts at a supermarket checkout, earning money they save for a holiday. John is a senior salesman at a gentlemen's outfitters. He prides himself on being able to tell whether a customer is a 42 Regular or a 42 Long the moment he walks through the door.

Beryl and John have no children. At one time they had hoped to become parents but somehow it never happened and now they have accepted that it never will. For a while the freedom that entailed had a liberating effect on their sex life. If John grew horny while they were watching television Beryl might suck his cock or they would fuck on the couch. But in time they returned to screwing in bed because it was more comfortable. They knew how to please each other and were careful to do so. But they stopped trying fresh approaches. Frequency ...

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