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A Slut visits part 9this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3286 words) [8/8] show all parts

Author: dirty geezer
Added: Jul 20 2006Views / Reads: 975 / 805 [83%]Part vote: 8.60 (5 votes)
More very dirty master/slut fun (dom/slut/anal/watersports,rimming)

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A Slut Visits cont - part 9

I spent the following day in an air conditioned room listening to someone in a suit go and on about their products, while all the time my mind wondered back to my hotel room, imagining the dirty delights that awaited me there. I so enjoyed my stolen time with my slut, pushing both our boundaries, boundaries that would shock and disgust so called ‘normal' people. Is anyone really normal? Or do we all have dirty little secrets? Maybe only some of us dare unlock the Pandora's box of our deepest desires, allowing them to break through when we find someone with the key to help us?

All I know is that my slut had revealed a dark and nasty sexual power within me, which is exactly the master she herself craved - someone willing to use her totally, control, degrade, humiliate, and excite. Giving me pleasure was her life in our sessions together - and giving her pleasure was my reward to her being such a good slut.

So deep was my daydreaming I hardly noticed that my meeting was up, and our host was packing up for the day. Quickly gathering my things I left the building with far more a spring in my step than when I entered, each step taking me closer to another night of raw pleasure. Tonight we planned to meet in the hotel bar - our toys left up on the hotel room we shared the night before.


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