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Vision of the Spirit Ch 4this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3792 words) [4/15] show all parts

Author: Wilderness
Added: Jul 26 2006Views / Reads: 347 / 322 [93%]Part vote: 9.50 (4 votes)
Funny how he felt empty without her.

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Vision of the Spirit Ch 4

Exhausted by Friday's adventure, Tom's dreamless sleep lasted well beyond dawn. When the sun finally touched his subconscious, he rolled away from the light and opened his eyes. Satisfied warmth surrounded him, as the memory of the previous night replayed. He sat up with a start, realizing Hannah wasn't pressed against his back. She was nowhere in sight. His chest tightened when he reached for his boots and they were gone as well. Scanning the dew kissed field, he spotted a fresh path of bent grass pointing toward the homeward trail.

Quickly, Tom broke camp. Checking the fire pit to make sure all the embers were out, he found the word 'thanks', printed with ash, on consecutive stones. "Damn it, what is she doing?" This was unbelievable. After all they shared she discarded him like a used condom. If that's all she wanted, then screw her.

Tom sat down to reevaluate the situation and take inventory. The trail from here to the truck was well traveled. Hannah wouldn't get lost. His truck keys were gone, along with twenty dollars. The rest of his paycheck was still in the wallet. Twenty dollars wouldn't take her far, probably to the closest town with a bank and a bus station.

Using strips of tree bark, he fashioned a crude pair of sandals and attached them to his sock-covered feet with gauze and medical tape. ...

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