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Father Gregthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:other, 2538 words)

Author: mikel
Added: Sep 24 2000Views / Reads: 2441 / 2107 [86%]Story vote: 7.17 (6 votes)
Mike had an opportunity to go to a church camp... half work half play.... Father Greg was one of the leaders.... they both got more out of an overnight campout than they expected

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did you ever "do it " with a priest?

Not like the [censored] cases you hear about today... no, consensual...

As a matter of fact... ever do it with a priest where you came on to him?

When I was 18 I had the opportunity to spend a couple weeks at a summer camp run by the diocese. I was to go as kitchen help and do odd jobs for half the day and then the rest of the time would be mine to enjoy the camp.. swimming and hiking boating ... you know theh stuff. It was great ... I enjoyed myself immensely.

The Camp was basically overseen by a couple priests... one was older about 60 .. he as the big kahuna... and was in charge... his helper was considerably younger, looking back he would probably have been about 34-35. A good looking man... not yer chippendale model type .. but certainly not ugly. He stood about 6' about my height had a decent build no paunch showing yet and was fairly athletic. He was usually dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.

I was in the midst of dealing with my homosexuality at the time ... pretty much knew that I was gay... just didn't know what to do about it... but this one thing did I know... I was attracted to this man.


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