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Room For Rentthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2573 words)

Author: Dirk Diggler Picture in profile
Added: Jul 29 2006Views / Reads: 13960 / 12889 [92%]Story vote: 8.94 (18 votes)
My fiance Sara and I decide to rent out a room in our house for extra cash..Sara ends up collecting more than just the rent from Dan and becomes a whore in the process!!

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Sara and I had been engaged for 3 months when we decided to buy a house.

The mortgage payment was a little high but we thought we would rent out a room to make up the difference.

I left the search for a tenant up to Sara as she was not working at the time. She ran an ad and within a week had told me she had found someone.

"His name is Dan and he is a student" explained Sara.

"HE" ?... I asked...I was picturing a woman to be honest

" what"s wrong with a man"? Sara asked.'

"nothing I guess" I replied

Sara said she had met with him earlier and he was a student at the local University. He would move in the next weekend.

On moving day I met Dan. I was a little concerned when I first met him...he was a pretty good looking guy..well built ....and he would be living under the same roof as Sara and I ...but he seemed like a nice enough guy. ...

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