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The Fall and Rise of David Beckman (Part 4 of 4)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 14841 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: KK
Added: Jul 30 2006Views / Reads: 711 / 670 [94%]Part vote: 9.69 (13 votes)
The final chapter in David's story

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The Fall and Rise of David Beckman - Part 4

I was feeling pretty good when I left Augusta at six o'clock for the drive back home. I was excited about being part of this new venture and was pleased that I was able to bring Clinton Products to the table. I guess that I had gotten so wrapped up in what I was doing with Jeff and Don that I had temporarily forgotten about my other problems. My real world came back to me in the form of a tingling sensation on my upper thigh. It startled me at first. I thought something was crawling up my leg and then I realized it was my cell phone vibrating in my pocket.

I didn't answer the call. I didn't even try to get the phone out of my pocket. I just let it go until it stopped by itself. The whole tone of my mood changed after that. I tried not to think about Erica but I couldn't stop. When you love someone as much as I loved Erica, you can't just put them out of your mind. Especially when you are dealing with betrayal. Anything that reminds you of that person brings back the pain.

I decided that because I couldn't put it out of my mind I would deal it directly and I started planning my future. Since I didn't know if or when Erica might decide to come back from LA, I would proceed without her. I would call a lawyer Wednesday morning and start preparing for a divorce. I would need advice about handling our financial situation. ...

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