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The Bouncerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3311 words)

Author: enjoyable20 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 31 2006Views / Reads: 1632 / 1432 [88%]Story vote: 8.85 (13 votes)
Tina goes to a club for entertainment, she finds a rather handsome guy to take care of her needs. When its over, the Bouncer is the one to really know how to take care of her "needs"....

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His hips grinded against mine on the dance floor. I hadn't gone out dancing in months. Yet, even with months of lack of night outings, it had taken about ten minutes to find someone to grind with on the dance floor. I had decided to wear these black string heels, with my tight red mini skirt, with ruffles on the ends, with this white halter top that tied around my neck. I had worn my hair in a high ponytail, and had applied high liner on my eyes with some gloss.

When I walked up to the club, the line up was backed up, and the line was at least the length of the street. I walked past it, smiled at the bouncer and of course he let me in. As he let me in, he whispered "Be good, you haven't been here in a long time, wouldn't want you to get carried away". I smiled at him, and whispered back "I'll try". He slipped me a card, and I slipped it in my bra without looking at it. He grinned and then tied the rope back, signalling he'd only be letting me in. I heard boos and groans from the line-up but didn't care. I headed to the bar, the barman greeted me with a nod, and handed me my usual rum and coke. "Still this?" he asked me handing me the drink. I nodded and walked away.

I drank it down, and looked around the room. I set the glass down on some banister, and headed to the crowd down below on the dance floor. I couldn't help but move to the beat. My hips swaying, my hands running through my hair. I felt hands around me, and I opened my eyes. He was about 6'4, and looked good. I gently shoved his hands away. He yelled ...

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