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The ADUthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2520 words)

Author: NoSayQuien Picture in profile
Added: Jul 31 2006Views / Reads: 3646 / 2911 [80%]Story vote: 9.00 (11 votes)
I enter into a great landlord-tenant relationship!

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Our city is facing an affordable housing crisis. Thus, several years ago, the city fathers decided to stimulate production of what they called "Accessory Dwelling Units," or "ADU"s. The idea is to let homeowners put a separately rentable unit on what up to then had been a single family lot. The city expedited the process, and eliminated most of the red tape, and really tried to expand the lower cost rental scene by getting homeowners to put in an ADU. My wife and I decided to put in a unit over our garage (which the city encouraged), and it's turned out to be a real benefit, but in ways I never would have imagined.

The construction phase was messy. The builders tore apart the garage and our yard, and for three months our nice lot was like a war zone in the Middle East. Or so it seemed to me. I'm kind of the neat type.

When it was done, however, with a higher mortgage (to absorb the loan for the new construction), but with increased tax deductibles and rental income, and depreciation of the cost of the new unit, I thought I was making out like a bandit. And I was, just in terms of the finances of the thing. But the monetary gains weren't anything, compared to the "fringe benefits."

Did I mention our renter? I didn't think so. Elspeth had been in one of my wife's classes (my wife is an anthropology professor at the nearby State University), and I'd met Elspeth several times, as she came to the house head out to a class event (for which my wife often provided ...

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