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Afternoon delights...this story is part of the FanClub (bi:one-on-one, 2073 words) [6/6] show all parts

Author: bl00dm00n Picture in profile
Added: Aug 03 2006Views / Reads: 1444 / 1068 [74%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Jo and Lily get worked up over lunch and head home for a quickie...

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Joanna slid into the booth and grabbed her menu. Across from her, Lily did the same. Today, Lily was almost dressed conservatively in hip hugging green, corduroy pants and a maroon tube top. Her blond hair was held back from her face by a wide, paisley printed headband. Chunky bracelets and a candy necklace completed the outfit. Jo, on the other hand, had decided to forgo her usual tom-boy look for something a little more feminine. Her long sleeved blue top had a low "v" neck that showed off her neck and large bust to creamy perfection. Paired with a short denim skirt and blue flats, she felt almost fashionable. She'd even left her hair down to curl crazily down her back.

"So, what are you having?" she asked Lily after a few minutes.

"A burger. You?"

"Same." Jo closed her menu and leaned back in her seat. "So I was thinking about going to Fredrick's after lunch if you wanna go."

Lily smiled and Jo felt the other girl's foot slide slowly up her leg. "Mmmm, you know I won't turn down lingerie when you're the model."

After the waiter left with their order, conversation turned to everyday topics. Due to a sudden outbreak of the flu, Jo had been busy with work. In school, Lily was working on life models, which she described as a fancy way of saying 'nekkid' strangers. Through it all, Lily ...

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