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And then he kissed me.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 5965 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 15 2006Views / Reads: 3773 / 3261 [86%]Story vote: 9.17 (12 votes)
Amanda goes back to work when her second child starts school. She smartens herself up...then she gets a new boss.

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And then he kissed me.

"Have you got any kids?" Lizzy asked as she handed me a cup of coffee on my first day at Haddaway and Tschitte Insurance Company.

"Two girls," I smiled nervously, "the youngest has just started school."

Lizzy and I talked when she took me on a tour of the offices; introducing me to as many people as possible; I chattered about my husband and daughters and explained that I had finally returned to full-time work for the first time in 7 years Over the next few days we became quite friendly as we worked together gradually building up my confidence and workload; we usually had lunch with a bunch of her friends who were all younger than me (I'm 32) and appeared to have exciting social lives; even the married ones.

I joined in the conversation as they seemed interested in my daughters but I still felt old and dowdy in my drab clothes and boring haircut.

During the next few weeks I made an effort to update my wardrobe and even had a new hairstyle - a short blonde bob. The majority of women in the office wore dresses or skirts so I followed suit; nothing too short or revealing but as my confidence grew I began to feel good about myself and would join Lizzy and a group of her friends for a couple of ...

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