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Pleasure Your Husbandthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 4890 words)

Author: angelx602 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 22 2006Views / Reads: 1053 / 910 [86%]Story vote: 9.36 (11 votes)
I make arrangements to have my husband pleasured, after I find he likes to read about it happening to other husbands.

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After nearly ten years of marriage you'd think I'd be used it by now. The late nights, the drinking and the other women. Julian and I have had our ups and downs like any married couple but things seem to have gotten considerably worst in the past few months. Julian who has been very gentle and loving in the bedroom up till now has lately been making demands on me that seem a bit extreme. Like last night he came to bed drunk, but that didn't stop him from ripping the blankets off of me and trying to stuff his limp dick in my ass. He's never pressed me for anal sex before, not until recently, he knows I don't like it but he continues to play with my ass during sex and had even went as far as to buy a small butt plug that he expects me to wear, but I tell you right now that is never going to happen!

This morning I was doing a little cleaning and straightening up and happened to find some papers with names of web sites on them that Julian must have written down. The sites sounded strange so I decided while he was at work to take a look at them. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I went to the first one and started reading what the site was about. It seems that on this site my husband likes to go to, you can arrange to have your husband kidnaped and forced to do things while you watch. I could hardly believe what I was reading. Did Julian really get off on this shit? From the number of times he had been to the site, I'm guessing he did.

So I decided to see what the other site was not really thinking it could ...

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