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The Champs Chapter 2this story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 2729 words) [2/9] show all parts

Author: Hungry4BigD
Added: Aug 28 2006Views / Reads: 1011 / 908 [90%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Preparing the barn and a little bit of fun !!!!

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The Champs Chapter 2

I walked out of the school and headed towards the parking lot, only to find Jerry standing between his car and mine, talking to Steve and Kevin. Jerry had moved his car from the other side of the parking lot, and parked next to me, and had gotten out and stopped Steve and Kevin and asked them if they wanted to come out and help prepare the farm, for the party. Steve had to decline, but Kevin said he could help for about an hour or so, then he had to go, ‘cause he had a shit load of homework to do.

Jerry looked up and saw me coming, and bellowed out that we had help, for a little while, and lowered his voice a little as I got closer. He explained that Steve couldn't make it, but Kevin could help for a while, and we could get more done, with 6 hands. I smiled and said that'd be great, ‘cause I had a lot of homework to do as well. Kevin asked if I understood the Physics shit, and when I told him I got it a little more than everyone else, he asked if I could help him with his. I told him I'd be glad to help him figure it out.

We all got into our respective cars, and took off for the farm. I live about 10 miles outside of town, and the farm is pretty secluded. Our closest neighbor is actually about 2 miles down the road, and the house sits about ½ mile down a long lane, from the road. I lead the way and we all pulled up in front of the barn and parked our cars. ...

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