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Friday night and Wednesday morningthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 6002 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Aug 30 2006Views / Reads: 2261 / 1781 [79%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
A chance meeting in a pub on Friday night leads to a morning of rampant sex on Wednesday.

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Friday Night and Wednesday Morning

It was still early (8.30ish) on Friday night and my friend Julia and I were about to leave the Centurian Bar near the railway station in Newcastle when a male voice called to me; "Nice jeans, what make are they?"

Stunned; I stopped in my tracks and fingered the spangly logo on the back pocket. "Victoria Beckham," I replied as I looked up to see the voice belonged to a chubby thuggish looking bloke wearing a peach coloured CP Company polo shirt, "Why?"

"They make your arse look bloody sexy!" He shouted and his boisterous friends all laughed out loud as I blushed and stuck my tongue out.

He smiled and raised his glass as I left the bar with a little spring in my step.

"The cheeky bugger!" Julia giggled as she curled her arm inside mine and we crossed the road towards the Union Rooms.

"I know; but I can't remember the last time somebody gave me a compliment and meant it." I sighed as we queued to get into the next pub.


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