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Adventures in a new homethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:romantic, 2117 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: Sam
Added: Sep 27 2000Views / Reads: 619 / 530 [86%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
Sam and his new friend David travel to the eastern shore of Maryland to learn of Sam's inheritance.

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*Wouldn’t it be nice if we as adults, writing and reading adult material did not have to begin our every story with the usual warning to any minors? But here goes: Minors, in your city, county, state or country; Beware. This Is Adult Material. If mommy or daddy catches you reading my story, she or he can not sue me because you have been warned, so there!.

*Mea Culpa (That’s Latin, for I’m sorry), in case the kids are still reading. In the first part of this story, I misstated the name of the main character, it is not Andy, it is Sam. Now...May we proceed?

Adventures in a New Home By: Sam

David and I made the trip to Cambridge in good time, despite the fact that this was a holiday weekend. Normally the 90 mile drive takes about 1 1/2 hours, but we made it in just over 2 hours. Our Motel room was ready when we arrived, and not as tacky as usual. For those of you that smoke, take notice of the rooms for smokers. Most of the furniture is unmatched and scratched. But this room was the exception.

We unpacked our clothes and decided to visit the pool for awhile, as there was nothing else to do in that town on a Sunday. When David emerged from the bathroom with his pair of light blue speedos, I wanted to grab him and start sucking right then and there, but held off. I ...

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