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Out of Townthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1351 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: fngrcffs4u
Added: Sep 10 2006Views / Reads: 2280 / 1589 [70%]Part vote: 8.00 (5 votes)
Lorissa and Mike embark on a new type of relationship, not a lot of sex but don't worry that will come - we are just getting started. . .

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They had finally arrived. It seemed to her that the last 15 hours were a blur of feelings, desires, and frustrations. They had left Maryland last night at about 7, she was already nervous; it was their first trip out of town together since they had established their "new" rules. Right before they left he had told her to insert the vibrator he had bought for their use. She knew then that it was going to be a really long weekend. The whole ride up he would turn the device on and off at his whim, sometimes leaving it on for less than a minute, sometimes for more than 5. It was all she could do not to lean over and beg him to let her cum. Only the 2 people in the front seat stopped her.

It just got worse from there, they stopped for the night and in deference to her being at home, he did not turn the vibrator on while they were around her family, that frustrated her even more especially when he took every opportunity to touch her when no one was watching. That night she slept alone, he warned her not to touch herself, that for this weekend only he could allow her to cum, only he could touch her, use her, make her the woman she was meant to be.

The ferry ride was worse, before they left he had told her to reinsert the vibrator, but he never turned it on, instead every time he had the chance he would tell her the things he was going to do to her that weekend, after all they only had two nights together, then it was back to their original agreement. Sometimes he would just look at her and she could feel herself getting wet. ...

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