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The Champsthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:straight/jock seduction, 2234 words) [6/9] show all parts

Author: Hungry4BigD
Added: Sep 11 2006Views / Reads: 507 / 432 [85%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Chapter 6 The bus ride, pre-game and game. Not much sex in this chapter, but there is a little something intriguing, included.

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The Champs Chapter 6

The bus was a charter bus, with cloth covered seats that looked a lot like recliners. Jerry leaned his back and said sweet man, this is nice. My eyes darted up n down his body as he lay back in the seat, and I couldn't help but notice the large bulge in his shorts. I leaned over and whispered softly he might want to cover that thing up, cause people were going to start talking if he got a hard-on. He turned and faced me with a smile, and said, let them talk. I sat back up in my seat, and kept looking at his tented shorts out of the corner of my eye.

The bus took off down the road, and everyone finally settled down and started getting their minds set for the big game. Jerry was talking to the guy behind me, about the party after the game, and I felt a hand on my right shoulder, as the guy behind me (Keith) tapped me, and said thanks man, we all love a party. I turned and said no problem bud. Jerry reached down and adjusted himself in his shorts again, and sat upright in his seat. He stood up and proclaimed he needed to take a piss, as he crossed in front of me, with that bulging pouch in his shorts, passing inches from my face. It took all I had in me not to reach out and grab a handful of that big dick, and stuff it into my mouth.

He walked to the back of the bus, and a few of the guys were giving him ...

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