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Big Birthday Wishthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:first time, 3813 words)

Author: habu
Added: Sep 12 2006Views / Reads: 1903 / 1537 [81%]Story vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
A memorable, fantasy-filled eighteenth birthday

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I was an impressionable teenager and prone to fantasies I couldn't shake. And, like any teenager, I was raging with hormones. One such fantasy was Mr. Walker, who lived down the block from us. He was a former Marine in his thirties, who worked hard to keep himself in tip-top shape. He was a runner, and I'd frequently see him running around our neighborhood, wearing no more than skimpy shorts and running shoes without socks. He wasn't muscle bound by any stretch of the imagination, but he was finely built and there wasn't an ounce of fat on him anywhere. His buzz cut and exercise regime screamed that once a Marine, always a Marine.

The first thing that started me to fantasizing about Mr. Walker was his wife. She was a cute little blonde thing who always looked so satisfied with herself and who popped out a baby every twelve or thirteen months or so. In my adolescent mind, this suggested to me that every minute Mr. Walker wasn't out running, he and Mrs. Walker were in their bed "doing it." The mere image of that turned me on. As I said, I was suffering from raging hormones then, and I found myself fantasizing about being in bed with the Walkers—for several weeks about being in bed with Mrs. Walker, and then for a while with both of them, and finally, distressingly, I fixated on being in bed with just Mr. Walker.

The Walkers belonged to the same community club my family did, and in the summer of my sixteenth year, I found myself at the pool the same ...

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