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Verdanna's Diary - part 5this story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 1435 words) [5/9] show all parts

Author: Autumn Seave Picture in profile
Added: Sep 18 2006Views / Reads: 651 / 532 [82%]Part vote: 9.50 (2 votes)
Her lips were on mine with the confidence of a woman who knows she can have whoever she likes. Her tongue snaked into my mouth as she kissed me fervently.

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April 29/06 Obviously, I checked out of the Bestern this morning. Despite how much they likely enjoyed their show last night, I didn't think that sweet little suburban housewife was going to be overly comfortable running into me in the lobby.

I headed to the little café around the corner for lots of coffee and some breakfast and some time to think about where I was going next. For some reason, I had no desire to stick around the city. I was getting itchy feet and for the first time in my life I could actually go pretty much anywhere I wanted. And that's how I ended up here at the airport feeling very sated with a renewed appreciation for lipstick lesbian love.

I'd decided to head to Mexico where I had some friends living in Puerto Vallarta. These guys were extremely gay and new of all the best clubs for dancing and had been promising to show me a good time ever since they'd moved there three years ago. Until now, I'd only been able to make false promises. With my cell phone and the café's internet I was able to book a flight this very morning. I did have one layover but not usually a big deal. Except this time it was.

On the first flight we came across some stormy weather and ended up circling the airport for about half an hour amidst the thunder and lightning. Flying was never an issue for me except when the plane was bouncing around like a kid on a trampoline. Finally, we landed only to ...

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