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Ladies and Gentlemen, as my Master commanded.....this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2125 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: 'Broke
Added: Sep 19 2006Views / Reads: 1184 / 891 [75%]Part vote: 9.00 (7 votes)
Male domination comes true as my pet travelled across the oceans to submit herself to her Master...

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Ladies and Gentlemen ever thought this way?

Once upon a time...

There was this girl who realized for once in her life all she ever Desired was to experience the sexual ecstasy her body craved so much. Deep down inside of her every time she made love, there was a burning Sensation wanting to be uncovered, someone to be able to know and read Her every thought...move...touch...her smile...her lust and passion!

Well, who says fantasies do not come true? You tell me.

Life went on and the years past the girl turned to woman and not just a woman no, this girl turned into a well trained, prepared and conditioned submissive or as her Master liked to call her "pet". His pet, his sexual plaything that would carry out any desire He had, sexual or otherwise. She had learned over her years of training what was required of her when in the presence of her Master and lucky for her she found thru trusting that she had given her self to a carrying and thoughtful Master. The fantasy she had as a girl for someone to take care of her, to teach and show her, to be proud of her, as he would watch her in the presence of others, it was becoming reality. She would be His mind and body giving all herself to Him without question no matter what the outcome pain, pleasure, humbleness, desire.


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