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The Runawaysthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 7075 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Sep 22 2006Views / Reads: 2320 / 1695 [73%]Story vote: 8.73 (11 votes)
Just could not go through with it.

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The Runaways A story by Just Plain Bob

Authors note: This story has two endings. I wrote the story and then my proofreader said it needed a different ending. Actually what she said that she saw the possibility of multiple endings, but I'm too lazy for that. But, since I have the screaming hots for the lady and want nothing more than to have her sit on my face I thought I'd better give her something to keep her happy. I do hope you enjoy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Mindy stood in front of the mirror and adjusted her veil for the tenth or eleventh time. She hated to admit it at this late date, but she wasn't at all sure she should do it. She wanted to do it, God knew that she loved Rob with all her heart, but the question was, "Should she do it?" Should she start her marriage to Rob on a lie? Rob was going to slip his ring on her finger believing that she was a virgin when the truth was that she was anything but. There would be a least - at least! - a half dozen sitting in the church and watching her walk down the aisle who had beaten Rob to what he thought he would be the first to get.

She knew that Rob was the one the first time she laid eyes on him. Halfway through their very first date she was planning on how to fuck his brains out when he took her home. She would give him the best sex that of his life - so good that he would never want to leave her side. ...

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