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Naivethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2748 words)

Author: Raingirl Picture in profile
Added: Sep 26 2006Views / Reads: 6283 / 5769 [92%]Story vote: 9.28 (25 votes)
My first night as a college freshman is one i'll long remember. My roommate and her boyfriend are willing to teach me the finer points of sex.

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Like a lot of college freshman girls from staunch upbringing and overprotective parents, I was naïve about things when it came to sex. Never having a boyfriend, never seeing an "R" rated movie let alone a "X" rated one and being surrounded by girlfriends that were basically in the same boat in a small hick town, I was in for a real awakening!

The college I was going to attend was 275 miles from my hometown, long enough to ensure that my mom & dad weren't going to pop in for a casual visit. The dorm I was in consisted of two bedrooms each housing two girls with a bathroom and kitchenette we shared together. The college tried to match freshmen with a group of older girls, mostly sophomores. My bunk-mate, Andrea, was a junior and the other girls, Shelly & Jill, in my "quad" were both sophomores.

Something told me from the very first moment I met the other girls that I was in for a very different experience than what I was brought up with. Andrea was a spirited girl from LA and was very likable and outgoing. Shelly was an obvious boy-crazy girl from Louisiana and Jill was a bit more reserved and a real clothes horse from Miami. They all took me out for a tour of the local hot-spots that first night and I got to watch them all in action. One of the places was a college pizza joint that was a swarm of humanity. The place was standing room only and as I followed Andrea thru the crowd, I could feel stray hands ...

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