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Confidentialthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4411 words)

Author: Romantic Lover
Added: Sep 28 2000Views / Reads: 2903 / 2526 [87%]Story vote: 7.67 (6 votes)
An utmost honest, yet sensual and extremely erotic story of a young boy being with a woman for the first time in his life ...

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BY: Mike Constant (C) 1999

I was raised in a small up state New York town. Thinking back, I'm not sure of when I first started getting sexual urges. I know my Dad had a lot of magazines hidden around that sometimes I would come across. It would give me a funny feeling in my genitals to see a woman partially undressed or with stockings showing. I remember getting the same feelings whenever I saw a stocking top on a woman with good looking legs. It was a treat and a turn on to see such a thing. There was no panty hose invention yet so a glimpse of stocking was not uncommon at all, especially among the teachers in school. In those days very few women wore slacks. Dress or skirt with nylons and heels was the dress code it seemed like. They even wore seamed stockings then, so that will give you and idea of the era and also of my age now. I can remember that I hadn't yet masturbated, but yet somehow knew that manipulating my penis sure felt good. I frequently got erections in school from seeing up a girls skirt or mostly seeing a teachers stocking top now and then.

At the time my mother, father and I lived in one of the local fraternity clubs. (I won't mention the name) My Dad was the care taker of it and used to have to drive there to work each day until they offered us an apartment on the second floor of the building rent-free as part of his ...

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