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Michaelthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 298 words)

Author: Megan
Added: Oct 01 2006Views / Reads: 2586 / 3 [0%]Story vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
An IM to Michael, who I have been innocently chatting with for many years. That recently changed. Not so innocent, and meeting in person. Thank you, Michael.

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Ah Michael just wanted to send a short note. Since I got your message yesterday confirming that you were still planning on Wednesday my thoughts have been in over drive. The surprise you had for me before we left the parking lot was wonderful. I've been thinking about wrapping my lips back around you.... being able to take my time and play. Running my tongue up and down your penis, feeling it swell from the attention. Gently suck your head into my mouth, listening to you and feeling you so I know what you like best while I play. Taking you as far into my mouth as I can and sucking you, listening to you make those delightful noises... Getting wetter and wetter from the excitement feeling and touching you. Waiting for you to reach down and run a finger through my pussy lips to see how wet you've got me. I came hard three times just from "chatting" with you on line and looking at the pics of your penis and the cum flowing out of it.... (You could always e-mail me another pic, now that you found your flash, or just surprise me by sending a picture message to my phone.... damn hot) You are planning to play for a while Wednesday, aren't you? And going to message me about what you want? I keep thinking about you doing to my clit what you were doing to my nipples.... and doing it to my nipples again while I ride my wet pussy slowly up and down your extremely hard dick. I didn't think it was possible for a man to cum twice so close together, never getting soft, just progressively harder. That was so sexy!!

Looking forward to seeing and feeling all of you again soon..... ...

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