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Cum Loverthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1530 words)

Author: Sexxxy
Added: Oct 06 2006Views / Reads: 4003 / 3320 [83%]Story vote: 9.26 (23 votes)
I would have never given a man like him the time of day...but his enormous tool was irresistable!

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Working as a bartender introduced me to many arrogant assholes, who thought it was perfectly appropriate to grab the staff's asses, and make off-color comments about our bodies. I grew tired of this endless charade, but I made good money, and tolerated the harassment for this reason alone.

One night, I was serving a table of men who were rowdy, but one of them in particular was the biggest asshole I had ever served. He was a good-looking business man with dark, clean-cut, brown hair. He wore an expensive suit, but he was arrogant, flashing his money around, and talking about his abundance of successes. This disgusted me, but I tried to appear happy and tolerated his loud mouth. A few drinks down, he became more and more vulgar. Every time I would come to their table, he would grab my ass, or look down my shirt. Then, he even told me he would pay me if I would stick a finger in my cunt just so he could taste it. At that point, I had had enough.

"You need to leave. I have put up with enough of your shit. I'm getting ready to close the bar down anyway, so I'll get your tab and you and your friends can take off." With that, I turned to get his tab. When I returned to the table, his friends had left, and he said he would pay the bill.

"Fine," I said, and walked over to his side of the table to hand him the tab. ...

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