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The Nanny had to pay for her mistakethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 2765 words)

Author: wwchm1
Added: Oct 12 2006Views / Reads: 9285 / 8255 [89%]Story vote: 8.92 (12 votes)
She made a mistake and was willing to trust an older man to punish her in an appropriate way.

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It seems to be an immutable law of nature that a man never thinks he is too old to score with an attractive young woman.

I am effectively a single father with two young boys aged 11 and 7. I say effectively because I have a bitch of wife who spends all of her time at work or watching TV - she is really like one of those bad old husbands of the 60's and 70's. Anyway, more than enough about her!

Three days a week, I have a sitter collect the boys from school and take them to extra curricular activities like dance and karate. Karen is an attractive, blonde with the long legs that come from being 5' 10". She is a typical beaches girl, largely carefree with 3 jobs that pay cash without bothering the tax man. She has been looking after the boys for 2 years, and I can honestly say, apart from admiring her legs and small perky breasts, I had not once fantasized about her.

Recently I began to realise that our SMS messages, our primary means of communication, were becoming more grown up and more like those of friends. Hers were cheekier and mine more flirty. I recall one exchange where I actually threatened a spanking as a response to a particularly cheeky remark. I was a bit worried that I might have overstepped the mark but her response was that the boys were asking what was so funny. Very promising I thought.

About two weeks later, while I was working interstate, the following SMS ...

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