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My First Real jobthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3924 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: lildavidj
Added: Oct 14 2006Views / Reads: 1318 / 1058 [80%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Chapter 3 of the saga of David and Angela

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"Very well, David," said Chris smiling. "You did a nice job of sharing your evidence. Now just forget that this ever happened. I will get back to you if I need any more information." She picked up her notebook and strode quickly out of my apartment.

I sat there for what seemed like eternity, my pants around my ankles, my freshly sucked cock dangling against my leg. What the hell just happened? Whatever it was, I nearly passed out from the pleasure of it. I was terribly inexperienced, but I had never had my cock sucked like that. It was incredible!

I woke up on Saturday morning with a bit of tenderness between my legs. As I showered, I reached down and grasped my cock. I could still feel the sensitivity in the head of it. That was one incredible and erotic blow job I had just gotten. Hooray for the cops!

I spent a leisurely day wondering what might have happened with Angela. I headed for the local pub Saturday night. The place was packed when I arrived and I found some of my buddies and had a few drinks and ordered some snacks. The band began to play about 9:30 and we were shouting and telling stories over the sound of the music. Amber, one of the gals in our group, grabbed my arm and dragged me onto the dance floor. She wasn't terribly attractive, but she was always a lot of fun to be around. We danced a couple times and then the music slowed to a really syrupy song. Amber pulled me close and we began to sway to the soft, ...

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