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Highballingthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:sex at work, 4089 words)

Author: habu
Added: Oct 17 2006Views / Reads: 1334 / 1073 [80%]Story vote: 9.00 (4 votes)
Caught in gay bar = putting out for the firm

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If the CEO of my company hadn't seen me recently in that gay bar over on 12th and Madison, I don't know how long it would have taken me to get invited to the executive floor. But Pete Peterson had seen me, and there I was, in his conference room, sitting in a second-row position in the weekly executive meeting.

I'd been surprised, but pleasantly so, to see Peterson in the bar. He was one of those young, charging CEOs who took real good care of himself and whose movie-star looks popped out of the eminently eligible bachelor stories in the Sunday paper. I'd seen him working out in the office gym over the past several months and had found him to be quite a tasty package. I'd observed him looking me over there, too, but until our across-the-room mutual sighting at Rockies, I'd assumed he had been assessing my management potential—or just wondering who the hell I was and where I fit into his business empire. Now, I thought maybe something else had been going through his mind.

It was a long meeting, I had to take a piss pretty badly when it finally broke up. I asked the man next to me where the men's room was on this floor, and, having overheard me, Peterson chimed in that I was welcome to use the executive rest room just down the hall from the conference room.

This was quite a snazzy room, all brown marble and expensive fixtures, and mirrors everywhere, including over the two urinals. There was even ...

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