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Licking Lisathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1342 words)

Author: Phobos UK
Added: Oct 20 2006Views / Reads: 3062 / 1820 [59%]Story vote: 8.00 (6 votes)
I am seduced by a friend's old mother in her kitchen

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Lisa was the mother of one of my best mates. She was in her early sixties. Her hands, legs and face were slim, bony even, but with age her breasts had grown and were quite big. They probably sagged but she always had them well harnessed and so looked quite firm. She had quite a feisty reputation and was quite bossy. Actually she quite a battle axe. She was divorced and lived about 200 miles away but visited quite frequently and stayed over at her my friend's.

One night my mate and I went out to dinner with another friend and Lisa came along too. We were all laughing and talking a lot. Lisa clashed with me several times because she wanted to dominate the conversation. Later on however we had a long chat together. So we got on so long as I fitted in with how she liked things. We all had quite a bit to drink and went back to my friend's house. I was staying over as well so as not to have to bother with taxis etc. My mate was so drunk that he went to bed early (i.e. before midnight) and Lisa and I stayed up chatting. Soon after I went to bed too.

I got up quite early only mildly hung over and went downstairs. My friend was still in bed sleeping off her hangover. Lisa was already up, lying on the sofa and watching breakfast TV. She was wearing a long white T shirt which came down to mid thigh level but had ridden up and I could see all her long brown legs which were not bad for an old lady. Furthermore the T shirt had ridden up so far to show a flash of her white panties. My eyes lingered on them and she was aware of my ...

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